Jake Lies About Faking “Tory Liz” Facebook Smear mdi-fullscreen

Quick follow up to this morning’s exclusive story that Yvette supporting graphic designer Jake Johnstone was one of those behind the “Liz for Tory Leader” Facebook page that got so much coverage in the last week:tweets

And then Guido replied…

There was also this bit of evidence we were holding back…


Then Jake Johnstone removed the “I’m Backing Yvette” banner on his Twitter, privacy protected all his tweets and deleted his tumblr blog with all the graphic work he had done for  Yvette Cooper and Ed Balls. For an innocent man he sure deleted everything and disappeared from social media in a hurry…

Team Yvette officially disowned him:

“… this labour activist isn’t part of the campaign team and as such we have no idea how he spends his time. In the spirit of comradely debate we hope all members and supporters – including online – respect every candidate. He hasn’t worked for Yvette. He did some voluntary Social media stuff to promote a garden party once a few years ago…”
Of course now he has deleted everything off the web, when future employers Google “Jake Johnstone” what they will discover is that he smeared a good woman, lied about it and then tried to cover his tracks. The internet never forgets…
mdi-tag-outline Labour Leadership
mdi-account-multiple-outline Jake Johnstone Liz Kendall Yvette Cooper
mdi-timer July 10 2015 @ 10:36 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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