FCO Vows to “Resist Argentine Threats” mdi-fullscreen

The stretched twig of peace is once again at melting point.

Tension is high as Argentina’s state prosecutor orders an embargo of UK assets involved in Falklands hydrocarbons operations, demanding the seizure of more than $156m of international equipment, including ships, drilling platforms and bank accounts.

FCO minister Hugo Swire is threatening appropriate measures over this “flagrant and unacceptable campaign to strangle the Falkland Islands”.

“We have been absolutely clear that Argentine domestic law does not apply in the Falkland Islands, nor in the waters that surround them… The government of Argentina should refrain from unjustified provocations of this kind… The Falkland Islanders have every right to decide their own future, including through the development of their economy. As ever, we stand behind them and are confident that the international community will continue to resist these Argentine threats.”

We will not flinch…

mdi-tag-outline Argentina Falklands WAR!
mdi-account-multiple-outline Hugo Swire
mdi-timer June 30 2015 @ 14:15 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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