Elon Musk Guzzled $5BILLION Of Taxpayer Dosh mdi-fullscreen


Elon Musk may have a reputation for being a Randian entrepreneur, trailblazing a future for electric cars, cheap rockets and solar energy, but new research shows that he has snaffled $4.9 billion in government support. While the figure uncovered by the LA Times does include tax-breaks, it also shows that Musk has raked in vast amounts in government incentives, grants and discounted loans – not to mention the discounts enjoyed by his electric car and solar panel customers who have also been bathing in the US government’s taxpayer funded largesse. Musk has also been raking it in by selling off government-awarded environmental credits to less planet-hugging car manufacturers..

It’s hard to blame Musk – who wouldn’t take the free money? But it does somewhat dull the shine of his self-made billionaire status…

mdi-tag-outline Taxpayers Techno Guido Tesla
mdi-account-multiple-outline Elon Musk
mdi-timer June 3 2015 @ 17:20 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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