Sam Cam Bacon Roll Sham? mdi-fullscreen

Did Samantha Cameron actually touch that bacon roll this morning? We can’t find any pictures of her consuming a mouthful of bacon roll, though we’re told “she did pick at it”.  After the Miliband bacon roll debacle it looks like Sam thought it was a photogenic risk too far…

In other news usually reliable source say she was wearing Sam Cam is wearing a dress from Hobbs and High Street high heels from Zara. Just so you know…

UPDATE: Ruth Davidson, the leader of the Scottish Conservative Party, gets in touch:

I can confirm (as I was sitting two places from her) Sam had lorne (square) sausage and fried egg in her roll. She ate it all, bar the lid (it was a pretty big roll and a lady never likes to carb up on too much bread of a morning). There may have been cutlery involved to avoid any Miliband-esque embarrassment…

Ruth, shouldn’t you be prepping for the Scottish Leaders’ Debate? Or is reading Guido prepping?

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Ruth Davidson Samantha Cameron
mdi-timer April 7 2015 @ 12:55 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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