How Would Party Leaders Spend Friday Night? mdi-fullscreen

Lord Ashcroft’s focus group is back, this time asked how they think each party leader would spend a free Friday night:

Cameron: “get a helicopter to Cornwall” with Sam and the kids, or go “to his club” to engage in “mildly inappropriate banter with Conservative MPs and eight bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon”

Farage: go to the pub, possibly after a spot of fishing, or “to a French restaurant with his German wife to complain about immigration”

Clegg: would take his wife and children ten-pin bowling, or stay in with them to watch Great British Bake Off

Miliband: if he did not have a “posh dinner party” planned, would be playing with the train set some suspect he has in his loft, or spend the time “reading the opinion polls for something to grab onto”

But how many lofts does Ed have?

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