Labour's Loonies Linger On mdi-fullscreen

Guido hears that organisers of the weekend’s Compass conference were pleasantly surprised by the attendance. The fact there was a Labour leadership hustings certainly helped. If anything the conference should serve as a much-needed reminder for the candidates of quite how unelectable the left of the Labour Party is. Take a selection of propaganda they were giving out on behalf of dictatorial governments:

Venezuela Solidarity Campaign:

“Hugo Chavez today leads one of the most progressive governments in the world… transforming the lives of millions. The old ruling oligarchy and their allies in the US do not intend to allow Chavez to continue to redistribute power and wealth. Numerous attempts to destabilise and over throw Venezuela’s democratically elected government have taken place”

Cuba Solidarity Campaign:

“Cuba has a healthy, educated and vibrant society. The 1959 Cuban Revolution brought great advances in health, education and culture for the Cuban people, and continues to give hope and inspiration to millions of people across the world.”

These leaflets weren’t handed out by activists on the fringe but included in the official conference packs. The loony left is back and they are making noise, unless Labour are careful, they are going to upset the apple cart…

mdi-tag-outline Labour Leadership Loony Left
mdi-timer June 14 2010 @ 10:21 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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