Palin's Assets mdi-fullscreen

The internet is rife with speculation that Sarah Palin has had a boob-job. Guido isn’t convinced but will let you be the judge:

What has received less attention though is the influence of Palin on the Republican primary results recently. Of the four candidates she backed, three won the nomination and one is through to a run-off. Politico reports:

“Palin served different roles for each candidate – sometimes spotlighting conservatives not well known to the national scene while at others validating conservative credentials to an unsure grassroots and even stepping in to deflect nasty attacks. Her decision to get – and stay – involved in the race here in South Carolina was a huge boon to our campaign, because it caused a lot of South Carolinians to take a second look at a rising in the polls but once-little known state legislator who was fighting to give them back their government.”

Though despised by the left, they would be stupid to underestimate the strategic gains Palin is making. There is momentum and weight behind the machine. With her career making appearances on the stump and financial support from her Political Action Committee, a lot of people are going to owe her a favour in the run up to the 2012 race…

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mdi-timer June 11 2010 @ 10:58 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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