Gordon's Daily Gaffe mdi-fullscreen

Another day and anther Prime Mentalist muddle. In a Radio One interview recorded earlier and set to be broadcast shortly at 12.45 Gordon said while discussing immigration and under-estimating numbers from EU ‘We didn’t get it wrong…there was no misjudgment‘. Moments later he goes on to admit “there has been a problem“.

So which is it Prime Minister?

UPDATE: Gordon is taking quite a pasting from the kids. Expenses aren’t playing too well and his excuse that he was “paying over the minimum wage”  for his cleaner wasn’t bought. He took an angry potshot at Legg for making him pay it back too – “what the guy basically said was I shouldn’t be paying the cleaner a minimum wage.He was seething…

mdi-tag-outline Anyone But Gordon Twat Watch
mdi-timer April 20 2010 @ 12:16 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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