Carol's Conservative Conundrum mdi-fullscreen

Guido tweeted last night that Carol Vorderman seemed to be going a little Palin-esque for her appearance on Question Time. It turned out to be more than just the look. For someone who has been on television for donkey’s years, her performance last night was less than exemplary. Reading constantly from CCHQ briefing notes she gave a blizzard of Tory lines.  As head of the Conservative “Maths Task Force” Vorderman seems to be edging towards a peerage, though this idea took a hit last night.  Clearly someone in the Tory high command is a fan though.

Who could it be that is guiding the rise of Vorderman? Well Guido remembers hearing a certain Lord, like many men of a certain age, had rather a soft spot for her even before she was brought into the fold.  Maybe in return for that peerage, Carol could help Ashcroft with his numbers…

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mdi-timer March 5 2010 @ 16:52 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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