+++ Jane Kennedy, Environment Minister Resigns +++ mdi-fullscreen

Minister for Farming and the Environment.  Another Woman Against Gordon…

Jane Kennedy

UPDATE : Did she go or was she pushed?  Seems she was going, Gordon called to give her the hair dryer treatment / beg / demand loyalty. She refused so he sacked her / she was going anyway. Or possibly Gordon’s people first said they sacked her to put the frighteners on people, then they realised that played badly and admitted she resigned. They never could govern that well, now they can’t even spin properly.

UPDATE 11.40 : Sally Keeble, a Labour MP who is as low profile as she is loyal has just told the BBC “Gordon said he wanted more time, but there is still a sense of lack of direction.  We want a credible Labour party with a clear sense of direction who can command the respect of the party and country. He’s done a phenomenal job but it is time to move on. I think those closest to him should say something.”

mdi-timer June 8 2009 @ 10:10 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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