McPoison's Going is Good for Political Standards mdi-fullscreen

Tomorrow you will get a glimpse of how Brown’s henchmen really work.  Guido has done the rounds of all the broadcasters and Draper has been on some of them.  He even now just continues lying, it is not even very good lying.  His story changes all the time.  Remember how he lied to Guido and Andrew Neil on the Daily PoliticsHow can he have any credibility?  Why don’t decent Labour supporters get rid of him as their online champion?  Why on earth was he brought back?

McBride’s resignation statement is bordering on deranged in anger (Guido’s text messaged taunts to McPoison might have been cruel, but hey, this was payback for his contrived smears aimed at Dale and Guido).  Guido revealed the truth about how McBride operates, he lies about how Guido operates.

The idea that Damian’s poisonous smears were just a few juvenile jokes between old pals is the joke, this was a discussion as to the  sequencing of politcally motivated smears by experienced spin doctors.  In the know people include not only McBride and Draper but, for example, Charlie Whelan.  Whelan is no juvenile.

Stephen Pound says Guido is laughing all the way to the bank – actually Guido gave the story to the News of the World and the Sunday Times for pleasure not profit.  McBride claims in his resignation statement that stories he came up with he didn’t want in the public domain.  Lies. He had already put some of those stories in the public domain – as a very angry Nadine Dorries will testify.

Damian McPoison

McPoison accuses Guido of having Tory backers – it just shows that they just don’t get it – this blog was started for free, with no committee behind it, no plan, on a whim.   It is Guido’s plaything.  The Tories are rightly wary of Guido and incidentally they have a PR problem tomorrow – the last thing they want are half truths mixed with smears getting out into the open uncontrollably.  Coulson is apparently having kittens according to sources at his old newspaper.

Admittedly Guido is no naive innocent.  It was deliberate timing to launch this assault on Downing Street this weekend to fill the holiday news vacuum.  Nobody so far has commented on the irony that it was also this week that it became legal for the government to read all our emails.  Like Guido always says, people should not be afraid of their government, governments should be afraid of their people. Now where is that ’99 Premier Cru Grande Classe Margaux?

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Derek Draper
mdi-timer April 11 2009 @ 20:57 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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