Tories Should Join the Pan-European Libertas Ticket mdi-fullscreen
The Tories have been unsuccessfully trying to extricate themselves from the Federalist EPP by setting up a new group. This failure means that the only firm promise Cameron has given – to exit the group within months of him becoming leader, has been broken. Not a good omen.

Declan Garney, who successfully led the Irish anti-Lisbon Treaty No campaign*, has announced that his Libertas will contest the European elections in 2009 on a pan-European basis.

He has opened a European HQ in Brussels, and announced that Libertas will field candidates across the European Union on a common pro-European platform of democracy, accountability and transparency. “If people want a strong and healthy Europe that is democratic and answerable to them, they should vote for a Libertas candidate. If they do not want Europe to succeed or if they are happy with the current undemocratic practises, then they should vote for an incumbent party. For those who weren’t given a vote on the Lisbon Treaty, this will be their referendum”.

Libertas intends to run candidates in every country where the candidates are of a high standard, committed to the Libertas’s pro-European stance and its platform of democracy, accountability and transparency aimed at bring European back to the people.

That platform is entirely compatible with the Conservative Party position on Europe. The Tories should seize the opportunity to stand next summer on a pan-European platform which they support, rather than under a false Federalist flag.

There are no doubt practical difficulties, they are not insurmountable, Libertas in alliance with the British Tories would be a significant signal that there is a mainstream, non-headbanging alternative to the Federalist groups which dominate European politics and fail the people of Europe. The existing Tory leadership in Brussels is second rate, has gone native to the extent that they are lucky not to be facing criminal corruption charges. A new leadership is needed to break out of their historic errors.

Dan Hannan is moving his family to Brussels on a permanent basis, if he focused his energetic abilities on the parliament he would make an excellent leader, with Thatcherite determination to put the national interest first. The existing leadership is just not ideologically fit for purpose.

*Ganley says of the new moves to re-run the referendum: “The Irish government and the powerful elite in Brussels are showing utter contempt for the democratic decision of the Irish people in rejecting the Lisbon Treaty. Not one sentence will change in a “new version”. Some non-legally binding texts will be added in an attempt to fool the people. They tried this with the French, they tried with the Dutch, they are trying with the Irish. It’s time to put a stop to this bullying.”

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Margaret Thatcher
mdi-timer December 15 2008 @ 10:10 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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