That LabourHome Poll mdi-fullscreen
There seems to be a concerted attempt to shoot the messenger. Tom Watson, live and direct from the bunker, is trying to rubbish the poll and menace LabourHome’s editor Alex Hilton. Luke Akehurst, the Weber Shandwick spinner for arms dealers and former Gordon-loathing loyalist under Blair, turned Gordon-loving loyalist under Brown, is reading from the same script.

ConservativeHome makes Team Cameron uncomfortable but it performs a very useful function in encouraging more honest introspection and in doing so strengthens the party and makes it more responsive to the grassroots.

LabourHome has in the past been too willing to reflect the party line, failing organisations like to keep their troubles secret, honesty and openness are a sign of confidence and strength. LabourHome is not as Luke Akehurst claims “unhelpful to the Party”, it is doing it a service by holding up a mirror. To fix the problem, you first have to face up to it.

mdi-tag-outline Blogging on Blogging Labour Leadership Polls
mdi-account-multiple-outline Tom Watson
mdi-timer September 19 2008 @ 09:44 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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