Sir Michael White Concedes to Guido mdi-fullscreen

Many will remember fondly Guido’s spit roasting by Paxman and Sir Michael White last year. Guido remembers that they both took particular umbrage at Guido’s news priorities. At the time the top story on the blog was a video of Gordon picking his nose. Paxman went into his faux outraged Grande Dame routine at this prioritising of political tittle tattle. Today in his column Sir Michael concedes that perhaps Guido knew better what the public want. He has obviously been studying the YouTube charts:

“YouTube’s clip of chancellor Brown picking his nose is twice as popular as his PM’s debut last June.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown arrives at Downing Street
Views: 118,600 on the Downing Street YouTube channel

Prime Minister Gordon Brown picks his nose on budget day
Views: 233,649 on the Guido Fawkes’ YouTube channel

So you can teach an old dog new tricks…

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