As broken by Guido here earlier. The obvious questions are

  1. Why didn’t he ‘fess up last week during his last admitted bout of amnesia?
  2. Why wait until Guido chases his fundraiser?
UPDATE 20.30 : For the record Guido made his first phone-call to Huw Roberts at 12.57 today. Guido called repeatedly his office, mobile and home numbers. Huw returned the call around 15.30. The story was up on the blog by 16.07, Joe Carberry, Hain’s SpAd, told Guido at around 16.30 that the story was untrue.

Hain released a self-serving statement this evening, just in time for the 6pm news shows, saying he went to see the Electoral Commission “this afternoon”. Guido would like to know if this was arranged in advance or was it impromptu? Funny coincidence of timing.

mdi-account-multiple-outline Peter Hain
mdi-timer December 3 2007 @ 18:34 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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