Lazy Tory Slackers M.I.A. mdi-fullscreen
Iain is having a go at Peter Ainsworth for going M.I.A. (Missing In Airtime) during the floods, Benedict Brogan said something similar about part-time shadow cabinet members recently, a bemused journo told Guido he couldn’t believe Hague was missing from the last Zimbabwe debate, the M.I.A. list is endless.

CCHQ is nowadays staffed by people who have never won an election and don’t even seem to fight to win the way the usually third placed Cowley Street operators do. CCHQ needs to move to battle-stations rather than the lacking any sense of urgency, business-as-usual default mode.

For every Alan Duncan, Chris Grayling and David Davis there are two Shadow Cabinet slackers. When you remember the mid-90s and compare how New Labour’s leading lights grabbed broadcast airtime like it was oxygen, you have to wonder. Do these people really have the drive to win?

mdi-tag-outline CCHQ Dave
mdi-account-multiple-outline David Cameron
mdi-timer July 28 2007 @ 13:12 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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