Falconer : Anti-Catholic Statutory Bigotry to Stay mdi-fullscreen
The government can find time in the busy legislatory calendar to drive Catholic Adoption agencies out of business, but it can’t find time to amend anti-Roman Catholic bigotry enshrined in statute. Lord Falconer told Lord Patten that “The Government already have a heavy legislative programme and therefore have no plans to legislate in this area.”

They say the victors write the history books. Remember, remember, that it was because of the existence of an oppressive anti-Catholic protestant tyranny of corrupt politicians that Guido origianlly sought to blow up parliament on 5/11. After four centuries the only remaining statutory discrimination is still against Guido’s co-religionists. It is shameful that today, in a purportedly modern liberal democracy, the state discriminates against one specific faith. Did you know it is still the law that a Catholic parish church has to get authorisation from the local Anglican church for its own name? The political leader that promises to remove these symbolic but shameful laws will not be forgotten by Catholic voters…

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mdi-timer March 23 2007 @ 11:04 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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