Top O’ The Morning Osborne mdi-fullscreen
George Osborne must have read my piece last week about the merits of Free Ireland. Because this morning he is in Dublin. Guido said:

“..let me recommend the benefits of Free Ireland to you over-taxed and downtrodden subjects: lower taxes, higher per capita income, higher GDP growth, a fully functioning education system, no I.D. cards, no kow-towing to inbred-German-toffs, a friendlier people and a better lifestyle.”

Boy George says:

What has caused this Irish miracle, and how can we in Britain emulate it? Three lessons stand out.

  • First, Ireland’s education system is world-class….
  • Secondly, the Irish understand that staying ahead in innovation requires world class research and development….No tax is paid on revenue from intellectual property where the underlying R&D work was carried out in Ireland…
  • Thirdly, in a world where cheap, rapid communication means that investment decisions are made on a global basis, capital will go wherever investment is most attractive. Ireland’s business tax rates are only 12.5%, while Britain’s are becoming among the highest in the developed world.

The new global economy poses real long-term challenges to Britain, but also real opportunities for us to prosper and succeed. In Ireland they understand this… They have freed their markets, developed the skills of their workforce, encouraged enterprise and innovation and created a dynamic economy. They have much to teach us, if only we are willing to learn.

If you want to come over for a weekend and go hunting, that’s still legal in Ireland…

Hat-tip : Conservative Home

mdi-timer February 23 2006 @ 09:10 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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