Big Brother :Another Paying Dictator for Galloway mdi-fullscreen
Rula Lenska, a fellow Big Brother Celebrity, has previous with Galloway from the days of the left-wing Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign. In those days they supported the Communist dictatorship which suppressed the Catholic church, shut down the free press and imprisoned and tortured dissident human rights activists until it was brought down by rebel freedom fighters. In the first free elections that followed, Galloway’s friends the Sandinistas were thrashed.

Galloway has never met a dictator he hasn’t liked, so Big Brother will suit him perfectly. No word as to if it’s true he negotiated an exceptionally high fee through his agents, but its supposed to be for a Palestinian charity which fought a legal battle against the Board of Jewish Deputies.

Many will be pleased to see him imprisoned if only temporarily, over at Harry’s Place, the warmongering lefties are uncontrollable, too high-brow to watch Big Brother, but too seething with hatred to miss Galloway making an idiot of himself. The betting on Big Brother is best blogged over at SpecialBets. Guido can’t bring himself to watch.

UPDATE: His £60,000 fee and his share of the premium phoneline votes money is allegedly going to Interpal. A charity which had a high profile legal battle with the Board of Jewish Deputies. Of course if Gorgeous were to in the future, hypothetically, go on a speaking tour for Interpal it would be perfectly proper for him to claim expenses. Just like he did with the Mariam Appeal, War-on-Want, etc. He only does it for charity.

mdi-timer January 6 2006 @ 09:50 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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