Press Plagiarist of the Year Award NOMINATIONS 2005 mdi-fullscreen
Lots of people have been taking this very seriously, well media studies students are taking this seriously. Earnest discussions in academia are all very well, but who are the guilty ones? Let Guido remind you of the nomination criteria: a story has to be pinched from an original blog source, either verbatim or in essence, and no credit / payment given to the original source. This qualifies as plagiarism. Similar stories on subjects eliciting similar comments do not pass this test, since even lazy journalists can have the same ideas as brilliant bloggers.

Recess Monkey and Tim Worstall (the prolific chronicler of the Blogosphere), are my fellow nominating committee members, but the final blame and all writs should be mine.

So, belatedly, the nominations are:

The nominating committee has taken into account the good behaviour of both Simon Goodley and Atticus of late, who have, since being named and shamed, been more scrupulous in crediting bloggers. We are aware that this list is far from complete, but click on Vote! to endorse your nominee for the award.

UPDATE : Results here.

mdi-timer November 24 2005 @ 16:22 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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