Milburn’s Dodgy Speech mdi-fullscreen
First we had the dodgy dossier copied off the internet by Bad Al Campbell, now we have a dodgy speech copied off the internet by Alan Milburn.

Compare Milburn’s speech given 3 months ago to the Social Market Foundation – Guido found it proudly displayed on the Labour Party’s website. “Voting and political interest have plummeted not because the British people are suddenly too weak-willed to make it to the ballot-box, too weak-minded to understand the issues, or too weak-stomached to swallow the increasingly negative tone of political campaigning.”

“…a Britain run by the many and not the few; one ruled by the people, not an elite; one governed from the bottom up, not the top down…”

So its not true that New Labour nicks its best ideas from Thatcher’s successful policies – they’re nicked from a young Harvard graduate who writes speeches for losers. Andrei Cherny wrote the losing 2000 Democratic Party Platform (trans. manifesto) for Al Gore. He also helped Kerry lose in 2004. However he does usually get paid for his work, so I suggest young Andrei sends an invoice to Alan Milburn, C/O The Labour Party, 16 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9HP.

The Pink Un
has more to say on the issue.

mdi-tag-outline Maggie
mdi-account-multiple-outline Margaret Thatcher
mdi-timer March 4 2005 @ 10:19 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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