Romsey Redhead Smear: Vindication Due Today mdi-fullscreen
Well its day 4 of the wait for for the rapid rebuttal. Time pressed LibDem MP Sandra Gidley has barely enough time to blog, send me emails and get her agent Tony Barron to send me emails, so its understandable. The last one from the agent on Wednesday reads “Thanks for the fax I am next in the office on Friday and will fax to you then. Sorry but I only work part time for Sandra.”

So the big day has arrived and I am here sitting by the fax machine in my dark cellar. Waiting. And waiting…

Time for me to re-cap. It all started when Romsey Redhead blogged;

It pains me to say this

I thought the Conservative hopeful had declared that there would be no personal attacks? This is to be welcomed but it is a shame that there was not a similar commitment to being honest and not misrepresenting the Lib Dem policies. No such luck as there has been some very scurrilous literature produced recently. If you have received something from the Tories that you find hard to believe then it probably isn’t true so get in touch with us and we will tell you the truth! As the old saying goes, “If they continue to lie about us we will continue to tell the truth about them”

Oh – and is there a definition of a personal attack? In a recent leaflet there is a silly statement “What has Sandra Gidley done about MRSA?”

A painful smear attack indeed for the sensitive Romsey Redhead. Sympathetically I told her, “Well go on Sandra, show me it. Send me the ‘What has Sandra Gidley done about MRSA?’ smear leaflet. My fax is 070-9201-2337 or you can email me on Its your chance to show that Tory minx for what she is! As Mrs Fawkes says in court, ‘substantiate or withdraw’.”

She emailed me back quickly and efficiently “I can assure you that I am not in the business of lying – life is too short. I will get the leaflet faxed to you and hope that you will show yourself to be an honourable gentleman (nay – even an honourable rogue) and broadcast the fact on your web-site… “ Of course an honourable rogue like Guido would do that. I committed to doing so publicly.

Today is the day Sandra Gidley will be vindicated, not a liar, but the victim of a smear. The truth will be told, just as soon as she sends me the promised fax.

mdi-timer February 25 2005 @ 10:03 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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