Jamie Oliver’s Sweet Hypocrisy mdi-fullscreen

Jamie Oliver is all over the BBC celebrating his punitive sugar tax – but this is sweet hypocrisy. On his website, Jamie offers a series of recipes aimed at children. A bowl of granola for a child’s breakfast, advertised as “a healthy and delicious start to the day”, contains an unbelievable 20.9g of sugar. That’s 23% of an adult’s daily recommended intake, and this is supposed to be for a child.

sugar daddy 3

What about his “Epic chocolate and beetroot cake”, which contains 15.8g of sugar per serving, or 18% of an adult’s daily intake:

jamie oliver recipe

Then there is Jamie’s toffee, fruit and nut cookies for kids. They contain an incredible 24.5g of sugar per serving, a huge 27% of an adult’s recommended intake. Remember, these are recipes recommended for children.

jamie oliver recipe 3

The show-stopper: Jamie’s “children’s party cake”. It contains a staggering 32.5g of sugar per serving, or 36% of an adult’s daily intake:

Jamie Oliver sugar laden doom cake

Experts recommend 4-8 year olds should have 12g of sugar per day, teenagers should have 20-32 grams. A single serving of this Jamie recipe surpasses the maximum recommended teenager’s sugar allowance, and three times that of 8 year olds…

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mdi-timer March 16 2016 @ 15:56 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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