Brown Bunker Debunked, Labour's Lying Liars mdi-fullscreen

Steve Richards’s inside look at the Brown Bunker on Radio4 this morning proved what Guido was saying all along about the Prime Mentalist. It also proved what many suspected about the likes of Peter Mandelson, Ed Balls, Harriet Harman, Jack Straw, Douglas Alexander, Alan Johnson, and the Milibands . Always publicly loyal, always on message, always defending the dear leader. Always lying through their teeth…

Funny we didn’t hear Deborah Mattinson say No.10 “was an incredibly unhappy place to be” at the time. “Almost everybody in it was incredibly unhappy, and I think ultimately Gordon has to take responsibility for that, for the fact that he didn’t sort it out.” How come the staffers remained silent about the PM stuck “between rage and despair”. Alan Johnson managed to keep it quiet while in office that “You just heard every day of blood on the walls. No one could be around in politics in a senior position and not know that there were big problems over at Number 10.” There was only one place to find the truth in those dark days…

mdi-tag-outline Anyone But Gordon Downing Street Labour Party Twat Watch
mdi-timer September 21 2010 @ 12:10 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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