Sunday Sleaze Special
Ivan Lewis is what used to be known as “Not Safe in Taxis” (Damian Green is another one) always sniffing around young women. So it is no surprise that he was leering over a 25 year-old young girl working in his office. After all he broke up with his wife after having an affair with a local Labour Party councillor behind her back.  Why has the News of the Screws story come out now over a year later?

Ivan Lewis has been a little too outspoken about Gordon’s failings, accusing Brown of being out of touch, it was remarkable that he escaped censure at the time. If there is one thing the Brownies excel out, it is malevolence. That the girl isn’t quoted means it is not kiss and tell for cash. A few other ministers will be worried that their office darlings could be exposed by vengeful Brownies. This is a warning to other ministers and a score settled…
UPDATE : Have just noticed this story about Lewis’ former assistant was hinted at in the comments on Guido’s story hinting at his affair with Maggie Gibb on June 25, 2006. Fair amount of reading between the lines required with these type of stories. Always difficult when if they both deny it, you are scuppered, you have to read these stories carefully for the hint..
mdi-timer 7 September 2008 @ 08:48 7 Sep 2008 @ 08:48 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
Shanghai Surprise Just Chinese Takeaway
The spin from Downing Street is that an unnamed aide was the “victim of honeytrap operation by Chinese agents.” The incident occurred in Shanghai on the second day of the China tour. That night a crowd of Downing Street staffers and Lobby hacks went to a packed hotel disco, Michael Jacobs was approached by an attractive Chinese woman. The couple fooled around on the dance-floor and later disappeared together back to his hotel room to further Anglo-Sino relations.

Anyone who has spent time in Asia will laugh at the honey-trap-spy media spin, far more likely that it was just a good time girl who pinched his Blackberry and wallet. Why on earth would Chinese intelligence agents care what Michael Jacobs, the right-on former secretary-general of the Fabians, hero of Hampstead, fully paid-up Guardianista and now Gordon’s environmental adviser, had on his Blackberry? Laughable.

Why are the newspapers being so coy about reporting the name? After all, Guido understands that the political editors of the Sun (George Pascoe-Watson), Mail (Ben Brogan) and Telegraph (Andrew Porter) were at the same disco. “What goes on tour, stays on tour”, eh boys?

mdi-timer 22 July 2008 @ 07:30 22 Jul 2008 @ 07:30 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
Valentine MPs
Sky’s Adam Boulton has compiled a list of the most fanciable MPs for Valentine’s Day. No real surprises; the ladies side is topped by Julie Kirkbride and Caroline Flint, the himbos are headed up by Nick Clegg and Angus MacNeil.

This is another small step forward in the Guidoisation of democracy. When the chairman of the Lobby starts doing totty-watch pieces to camera, victory will be total…

mdi-timer 14 February 2007 @ 08:45 14 Feb 2007 @ 08:45 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments