Any personal information you provide, willingly or unwillingly, can be monitored by GCHQ and the NSA so this privacy policy is pretty pointless if you are paranoid about your data. Nevertheless:

  • We may use information, such as the IP address you are using or the email address submitted with a comment, for any purpose not limited to, for example, preventing multiple voting in online polls or to help detect or deter faked comments or offensive comment makers. These preventative measures may include comparing or sharing data with other sites, services or companies which may also be willing in some circumstances to share data.

  • We may be required by law to give up your data. We try to “fight the man” whenever we can and will not give up easily. So far we have never given in to any demands.

  • Cookies. This site will place cookies on the device from which you are accessing the internet. Advertising pays the bills, so suck it up. This site uses cookies in order to collect anonymous usage data (e.g. for Google Analytics) and to service any requests that you make (e.g. to remember your details when you post a comment).