Green Party Media Spokesman ‘Does a Bennett’

The Green Party’s Media spokesman Martin Dobson did his best to make his leader look comparatively clued up on policy when asked about his proposed “20% cap” on media ownership on the Media Show yesterday:

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Steve Hewlett: You say there should be a 20% limit on ownership. Can you help me out here? Ownership of what? Sales, readership, titles, what is it?

Martin Dobson: Well… it’s about organisations that own television stations, radio stations and newspapers for instance… So we would put a limit on the amount they can own…

SH: But the amount of what?

MD: Well… I’m not entirely sure… I mean it’s an aspiration… I guess it’s to do with listenership and readership?

Return to base Agent Dobson, the secret Green plot to make Natalie Bennett look less incompetent in interviews is going well…

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