IMF’s Lagarde Repays Osborne


IMF chief Christine Lagarde – currently due to stand trial over a €400 million fraud case – has been spinning overtime that Brexit will damage the UK. This is merely a geo-political courtesy return favour to Osborne who campaigned hard for her to get the IMF chief’s job.

In reality the IMF figures predict that UK growth will outpace both Germany and France as well as the Eurozone as a whole. Even the short-term initial Brexit effects are marginal, and the Bank of England will stand ready to flood liquidity into the markets in the event of Brexit, which will have a soporific effect on markets. No credible economic forecaster expects any long term negative effect on growth…

mdi-timer 12 April 2016 @ 15:13 12 Apr 2016 @ 15:13 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
IMF Contemplating Mass Expropriation in €-Zone


Christine Lagarde the French chief of the IMF narrowly escaped being charged recently. Her candidacy’s main cheerleader for the IMF was George Osborne, Guido had his doubts at the time. The IMF is searching for a solution for debt laden European states to stop the €uro collapsing. Stop spending more than you tax is considered naive – how will the ruling elites get re-elected if they stop bribing the electorate with their own children’s money? Option 6 in the IMF’s discussion paper on the subject is brutally straight-forward. The final act of financial repression is to steal from everyone who has savings with a 10% wealth tax.

You have been warned now – just like Cypriot political insiders were – don’t keep any capital in €urozone banks. The IMF argues that the element of surprise is essential for the success of a capital levy…

mdi-timer 3 January 2014 @ 11:02 3 Jan 2014 @ 11:02 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
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