MSP’s Saucy Shout-Out to His Aide, Chelsea Rocks in Her Bikini

Alexander Burnett has proposed an unusual motion of congratulations in the Scottish Parliament. The 45-year-old Tory MSP submitted a motion congratulating Chelsea Rocks for her success in the “Ladies Junior Bikini Tall” category at the recent Physical Culture Association British Finals. The under-23s bodybuilding champ is also a staffer in his parliamentary office. Congratulations…

Burnett proposed:

“That the Parliament congratulates MSP staffer, Chelsea Rocks, who placed 4th in the Ladies Junior Bikini Tall category at the Physical Culture Association (PCA) British Finals; commends Chelsea on now being invited to compete in the upcoming PCA World Finals of Birmingham, and wishes her all the best at these finals.”

Scotland is we are told suffering an obesity crisis. Chelsea is setting a great example which we should celebrate…

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