Supreme Court’s Sturgeon Blow, Scottish Government Laws Ruled Unlawful mdi-fullscreen

The Supreme Court’s just dealt a surprise blow to the Scottish government, siding with the UK government and determining parts of two Sturgeon bills to be outside the legislative competence of the Scottish parliament. The UK government’s law officers had initiated legal proceedings over concerns that the two bills were not about their policy objectives, and instead would place legal obligations on UK government ministers in reserved areas, affecting the government’s ability to make laws for Scotland. ‘Whoops’ doesn’t quite cover it. 

Alister Jack has hailed the Supreme Court’s decision. In a wider context, the ruling proves the Supreme Court is still keen on ensuring the Scottish government sticks to the boundaries of its legal competence – a ruling that should dissuade Sturgeon from thoughts about holding an illegal second referendum without Boris’s approval. Och aye the oh no…

mdi-tag-outline Scotland Supreme Court
mdi-account-multiple-outline Alister Jack Nicola Sturgeon
mdi-timer October 6 2021 @ 14:00 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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