Green’s Equality and Diversity Officer Suing Own Party for Racial Discrimination mdi-fullscreen

The Green Party is being sued by their own equality and diversity officer over claims of racial discrimination by the party. First the Labour Party, now the Greens…

Rashid Nix, who was until recently on the elected executive committee of the Green Party as the “equality and diversity co-ordinator” claims he was rejected from a paid party role in June because of his race. Nix previously told the Morning Star that he would take the complaint to an employment tribunal if talks with the party failed to reach a resolution. Guido has seen documents confirming the legal proceedings. He is now fundraising the legal fees

Despite their left-wing virtues, the Greens’ co-leader Jonathan Bartley recently came under fire for saying he would personally want to ban Halal meat, with notorious Green Party former MEP Magid Magid describing Bartley’s rhetoric as what he’d “expect to see from far-right groups.” There’s always someone more woke than you…

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