Morgan’s GMB Ratings Have Collapsed

On March 25 GMB’s viewing figures according to industry audience monitor BARB hit a high of 1.23 million, a month later by April 24 the viewer numbers have collapsed back down to 704,300. That is a 42.8% drop in people tuning in to hear him hysterically ranting. He’s lost Trump as a Twitter follower and almost half his TV audience…

Piers was until recently hated by the wokesters for his strong views on self-identification, however his new found enthusiasm for berating government ministers for not knowing whatever figure he demands of them, in pursuit of a tweetable clip, has won the wokesters back as fans. Unfortunately they don’t get up in the morning to watch his show and his infotaining appeal has worn off. As his former friend Donald would say “terrible ratings, just terrible”….

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