Tories Buy mdi-fullscreen

Everyone knows it can be difficult teaching your grandparents how to use the internet, so very kindly Ed Barker, the Tory candidate for Derby south, took it upon themselves to buy and set up on her behalf. A kinder, gentler politics in action…

Unfortunately for Margaret, the Tories didn’t quite stick to the Labour message, instead calling on unsuspecting voters not to vote Labour, with their Derby South candidate helpfully explaining in a video:

“She’s got no website, no social media and the only way of contacting her is by letter… Now as the candidate doesn’t have her own website I thought I’d do one for her just to show how disastrous it would be to have Jeremy Corbyn as our Prime Minister.”

Just another example of how clever the Tories’ online strategy is this time compared to the last…

mdi-timer December 3 2019 @ 14:00 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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