Tax Cutter Trudeau Wins mdi-fullscreen

Guardianistas can take comfort this morning, that despite the global dystopia depicted on their news pages, one of their own – Justin Trudeau – has won the Canadian General Election. Though the Canadian Conservative Party actually won the most votes (and as the Guardianistas never tire of telling us that means Hilary is really president or something). Trudeau is well known for being incredibly right on about climate change, immigration, foreign aid and gun control – the whole package of virtue signalling. Yet he ran and won as a tax cutter…

He promised more tax cuts and depicted his Conservative opponents as only wanting tax cuts for the rich. He has promised “middle class” tax cuts and tax cuts for small businesses and a reduction in sales taxes. Who knew tax cuts could be so popular with voters? 

Ominously for Canadian voters, Justin failed to mention his promised tax cuts during his victory speech (which he very gracelessly began one minute into his Conservative opponent’s concession speech). He big up his environmental policy. Choosing to skirt over his recent oil pipeline expansion announcement…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Justin Trudeau
mdi-timer October 22 2019 @ 11:16 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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