Revealed: The Tory-Hating Eco-Terrorist Promoting Kent Chick Murder mdi-fullscreen

In a gruesome example of eco-loons’ policies doing more harm than good, news outlets have been covering the morbid story of a 23-year-old farmer in Kent who woke to find 3,000 dead chicks. A “lowlife scumbag” cut the birds’ fencing and gas pipes to let out the 20,000 birds, resulting in hundreds of week-old birds dead or gasping for food and water. Yet another case of so-called ‘animal lovers’ killing the animals they are claiming to protect…

The man who’s being doing the PR for the killers is convicted fraudster and animal rights extremist Jay Tiernan, who tweeted out a photo taken by one of the ‘activists’ at the crime scene. He also shared an article reporting the deaths while boasting that Stop the Cull” guide to sabbing shoots gets a good mention” while his website hosts a detailed map of all game farms in Britain. It menacingly encourages people to “make their own inspections”…

The eco-terrorist who uses multiple aliases and heads up the Stop the CullĀ group also features a “cull the Tories” profile picture on one of his other Twitter accounts, a message he’s been championing for over 5 years:

The Countryside Alliance say: “Tiernan and those like him are not driven by love of animals, but hatred of people and politics”. Kent Police are investigating, Tiernan wouldn’t be a bad place for them to start…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Jay Tiernan
mdi-timer August 9 2019 @ 12:52 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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