Mick Davis Resigns as Tory Party CEO and Treasurer mdi-fullscreen

Tory Party CEO Sir Mick Davis has tendered his resignation as CEO, Treasurer and Board Member of the Conservative Party. Davis was brought in by Theresa May in June 2017 in the wake of her General Election defeat. Fair to say that his tenure has not been an unmitigated success, to the extent that he had to dig into his own pockets to fund the Tories’ disastrous EU election campaign – although he has largely been at the mercy of political events outside his control. Gives Boris the chance to bring in a close business ally of his own, big Vote Leave backers like Peter Cruddas must be in the frame, Ben Elliot might also be eyeing up the role…

Read his farewell letter to Tory donors in full:

Dear X

I have submitted my resignation as CEO, Treasurer and member of the Board of the Conservative Party with immediate effect.

I have so much enjoyed my time as Treasurer and CEO, but circumstances change and I think that our new leader, Boris Johnson, should be free to choose a team at CCHQ who can work together to ensure that this organisation realises its central purpose – a clear and decisive victory at the next General Election.

Our business plan has been carefully designed to achieve that goal but it needs to be properly executed and this is where you come in. Your support for the Party and for me is deeply appreciated. But our plan needs to be properly financed on an ongoing basis and as our most important donors I am writing to ask you to get behind our new leader, Boris Johnson, and make sure CCHQ can deliver. Good politics is not a cheap exercise and if we are not properly resourced and financed we will risk a very bad outcome – Jeremy Corbyn in Number 10.

You all know that one of my great bugbears has been the lack of unity in our party. Divided parties do not win elections. Brexit with all its complexities and associated dogmas provides the unfortunate backdrop for division but if we are to effectively stand against the frightening threat of a Corbyn led Labour Government we all must find a basis of coming together.

Our new leader and Prime Minister can only be effective if a strong and unified party stands behind him. One of the key roles of CCHQ is to facilitate that outcome but I am asking you our donors, upon whom we depend, to embrace that call for unity as well. There is today no room for bystanders – my successor will need your help and I hope that you will step forward right now and send a powerful message of unity, purpose and commitment.

With my warm regards and grateful thanks to you all.


mdi-timer July 24 2019 @ 10:53 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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