BBC To Recruit Over 75s Licence Fee Gestapo mdi-fullscreen

As the BBC licence fee row drags on, it has today been revealed that the BBC is recruiting a crack team to make ‘personal visits’ demanding of those aged over 75 to see their licence fee papers and force those without to hand over what little cash they have to continue using their televisions. The BBC’s corporate director of policy has claimed this new team of intimidating enforcers will be separate from the BBC’s ‘enquiry officers’ who are currently responsible for forcing people to cash up for the company’s deeply unpopular tax. This new team reminds Guido of another group who used mass intimidation of  without fear of repercussion…

Not all of today’s licence fee row news is this difficult to stomach however, as it seems BBC officials are starting to listen to Guido’s advice. Today the BBC Director-General announced the company could become an opt-in subscription service like Netflix from 2027—a decision Guido recommended the beeb should take 6 months ago. If only the BBC had switched from its outdated funding model, as Guido advised, the need for an OAP license fee ‘Gestapo’ would be avoided in the first place…
mdi-timer July 18 2019 @ 11:22 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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