Grieve: ‘Technically Quite Difficult’ to Block No Deal mdi-fullscreen

Remainer morale has taken another blow this morning as Dominic Grieve all but admitted on Today that he had run out of options to try to block no deal, save trying to bring down the Government altogether. Grieve conceded that “technically that may be quite difficult” to block no deal outright but confirms that he would vote for no confidence in a Government “persisting” with no deal instead, and speculates that newly sacked Cabinet Ministers might join him. Whether the ones with half an eye on their careers really want to usher in a general election in which they’ll all be standing as independents is another matter…

It’s hardly a surprise that Grieve is out of ideas given the laughable “report” written by Margaret Beckett and himself and published by the People’s Vote campaign this morning, which supposedly offers details on ways to stop no deal but in fact reads more like a 17-year-old’s A-level politics coursework. Grieve and pals keep trotting out the line that a second referendum is the “only way out” without ever being challenged on the question of how it changes anything if it just comes back with the same result…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Dominic Grieve Margaret Beckett
mdi-timer July 16 2019 @ 09:00 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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