Carole Threatens to Counter-Sue “Bully” Banks For Harassment mdi-fullscreen

After Arron Banks filed formal libel proceedings against Carole Cadwalladr over her Russian money claims last Friday, Carole has responded… by counter-suing Banks for harassment. Carole is complaining that Banks has chosen to sue her personally rather than the Observer, the Guardian or TED. Of course, Carole was quite happy to personally receive all the accolades for her stories to the extent that she even threatened legal action against her fellow journalists. Funny how she’s not so keen on taking personal responsibility now…

Carole says she will use the defence that her statements were true, meanwhile her lawyers have threatened Banks that she will counter-sue for harassment if he continues with the libel proceedings. A pretty odd response if they’re so convinced they’re going to win…

Carole seems to think she should have the right to publish stories attacking other people without them even being allowed to try to defend their own reputations in response – the whole point of libel proceedings is that it stops petty squabbles like this and allows the courts to arbitrate. If she’s got the evidence she claims then she’s got nothing to worry about…

mdi-tag-outline M'Learned Friends
mdi-account-multiple-outline Arron Banks Carole Cadwalladr
mdi-timer July 16 2019 @ 11:08 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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