May’s ‘Bold Offer’: Make Deal Even Harder to Escape mdi-fullscreen

Theresa May has been busy working on a “bold offer” as a final throw of the dice to try to get her Brexit Deal through. This morning the Cabinet found out what it is. Early reports suggest that her big plan is to keep all the hated parts of her deal but make them even harder for her successor to escape…

A number of previously proposed amendments are expected to be written into the Bill, there will be a regulatory lock between GB and NI, and Parliament will supposedly get a say over whether the backstop comes into force. The problem is that many of these different measures not only contradict themselves, they also contradict the core terms of the treaty. Most problematically, MPs will get a veto over any future tweaks to the UK’s negotiating objectives to the ‘future relationship’…

MPs will have to wait to see the text before reaching their conclusions, the initial signs are the only bold offerings are aimed largely at Labour and Remainer MPs. Nick Boles has welcomed it as having “a lot of big wins for Labour” and a “substantial achievement for their negotiating team”. The ‘concessions’ to Brexiteers look like window dressing that will fall away when the push of the legal text comes to shove. If Brexiteer switchers were looking for an excuse to switch back to opposing the deal, May looks to be giving them the perfect opportunity…

No one is really that worried about the details of the deal, it is being seen by all sides as a last roll of the dice before she goes. Tory MPs Guido spoke to are completely dismissive…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Nick Boles Theresa May
mdi-timer May 21 2019 @ 13:36 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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