Sadiq Gave £21,000 of Taxpayers’ Cash to Group Campaigning for Second Referendum mdi-fullscreen

Sadiq Khan has already demonstrated his prowess at finding taxpayers’ money to blow on self-congratulatory PR campaigns despite the appalling state of TfL and Crossrail’s finances. Now Guido can reveal that Sadiq has also given over £20,000 of taxpayers’ cash to a lobby group which has been campaigning for a second referendum. The Mayor’s accounts show that Sadiq gave two payments of £10,717.82 for “community development” in December last year to campaign group The3Million, which lobbies for EU citizens in the UK. The3million are not some non-partisan community organisation, they are a highly political pressure group…

The group’s spokesman Axel Antoni told the Guardian in October: “It’s a very specific demand: we want a final say for all. The UK is our home. We are part of it. EU citizens didn’t even have a vote last time, we didn’t have a voice last time.” The UK will still be their home after Brexit, the UK has unilaterally guaranteed all EU citizens’ rights to stay, unlike the EU. Their demand for a second referendum goes far beyond that into the world of partisan politics. Sadiq having his own views on a second referendum is one thing, spending taxpayers’ money promoting them is quite another…

It comes as The Photographers’ Gallery in London was referred to the Charities Commission over hosting an overtly anti-Brexit exhibition, despite being a registered charity and receiving the vast majority of its funding from Arts Council England, whose London Chair is an avid Remainer. Who was she appointed by? Sadiq Khan…

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mdi-timer January 10 2019 @ 09:04 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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