Cash-Strapped Sadiq Splurging £30,000 on Social Media PR mdi-fullscreen

After turning London’s £3 million firework display into an attention-seeking exercise for himself, Sadiq is now blowing yet more taxpayers’ cash on a swanky PR firm to promote his #LondonIsOpen campaign on Twitter. Despite TfL facing a £1 billion operating deficit and Crossrail now requiring emergency loans of up to £2 billion – which Londoners will have to pay back – Sadiq has somehow managed to find £30,000 down the back of the sofa to splurge on PR outfit Freud CommunicationsTheir job is to find high-profile people to tweet about it…

Guido readers may remember Freud Communications as part of the nexus of Remain campaign groups which sprung up in the final month of the referendum and had over £1 million funnelled to them by a tiny handful of mega-rich donors.

Publicity-obsessed Sadiq has overseen a £2.8 million increase in PR and marketing spend since becoming Mayor and already employs fifteen press officers at City Hall. Was there not a single one who was capable of doing this job themselves?

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Sadiq Khan
mdi-timer January 4 2019 @ 12:23 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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