Corbyn Doubles Down on Media Lie mdi-fullscreen

After telling the BBC a demonstrable untruth yesterday morning about the media not covering the death in Westminster on Tuesday night, Jeremy Corbyn has doubled down on his lie in an attempt to get himself out of the hole he dug himself over his “stupid woman” comments. Corbyn tweeted out a positively Trumpian video yesterday evening again denying that he had said the phrase “stupid woman” and repeating his lie about media coverage:

“The night before, you wouldn’t know it, but a homeless man died on the steps of Parliament… It wasn’t reported in most of our media.”

As Guido detailed yesterday, the story had already been covered by the BBCSkyITVGuardianIndependentSunMirrorMailMetroEvening Standard and HuffPost by the time Corbyn first made his claim yesterday morning, and many more media outlets by the time he repeated it after 6pm. Corbyn knows he is telling an untruth, he is just bitter about letting the mask slip and being caught out. Making that mistake once as Leader of the Opposition is questionable, doing it again hours later is a deliberate attempt to mislead the public…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Jeremy Corbyn
mdi-timer December 21 2018 @ 11:03 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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