Unilever Scraps Plan to Leave London mdi-fullscreen

Anglo-Dutch giant Unilever, known for such family favourites as Marmite, Dove and Ben & Jerry’s, has scrapped its planned HQ move from London to Rotterdam after a major shareholder revolt. Following a very public tug-of-war between the British and Dutch governments, the £124 billion firm initially decided on the move after receiving promises of more favourable tax and regulatory treatment from the Netherlands. Not Brexit, despite the furore from Remainers at the time…

Steve Hawkes hits the nail on the head when he writes “Unilever is a prime example of the craziness of the Referendum war that still rages. This time Remain has been caught out – and some. The Dutch move was only ever about tax breaks but Remain jumped all over the story for the cause. Now they have to spend a day eating humble pie…”

Investors were up in arms over the prospect of leaving London, with particular unhappiness at the possibility of no longer being listed on the FTSE 100. Despite Remainers’ best attempts to do the UK’s prospects down, the reality is that the gravitational pull of London is simply too strong. Paris, Frankfurt and the rest will always be distant runners-up at best…

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mdi-timer October 5 2018 @ 09:44 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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