Carney’s Project Fear 2.0 mdi-fullscreen

Gotta love this from scaremongering bore-in-chief Mark Carney, who is touring the studios this morning, presumably as part of the government’s Project Fear 2.0, with these doom-laden no deal predictions:

“House prices going down by more than a third, real interest rates going up by almost four percentage points, unemployment going to nine percent, and the economy going into a four percent recession.”

Perhaps Carney should listen to the words of his own chief economist Andy Haldane, explaining why the experts had got their economic forecasts so wrong during the referendum:

“Fair cop. If you look at how the consumer performed during the course of the last year it’s almost as though the referendum had not taken place. In terms of the real things like pay and jobs not very much happened during the course of last year. It’s pretty much business as usual. The spending power in people’s pockets was not materially dented… Maybe some of the scarier stories politically will be seen to be just that – scare stories.”

Why should anyone ever believe a word Carney says ever again?

mdi-timer August 3 2018 @ 12:00 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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