Corbyn Would Thrash Gove, Saj or Hunt mdi-fullscreen

Worth looking at the breakdown of those Tory leadership numbers from YouGov in the Sunday Times yesterday. Corbyn’s Labour would be five points clear ahead of a Tory party led by Rees-Mogg. Labour would have a massive 10 point lead over the Tories if they were led by Michael Gove, that lead would extend to 11 points if Saj was in charge, and 12 points if the Tories were led by Hunt.

LAB: 38%
CON: 38%

LAB: 40%
CON: 35%

LAB: 40%
CON: 30%

LAB: 40%
CON: 29%

LAB: 41%
CON: 29%

Dire for some of these Tory wannabes… 

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