Bercow “Stupid Woman” Complaint Rejected mdi-fullscreen

John Bercow will not face a standards probe after he called Leader of the House Andrea Leadsom a “stupid woman –  because only he can rule on conduct in the Chamber. Yep, seriously…

Standards chief Kathryn Stone said the issue was outside her remit as she rejected a complaint against Bercow made by Tory MP James Dudderidge, who listed the excuses given for not investigating the Speaker and told Guido:

“It is ludicrous that bullying allegations cannot be investigated because they are 7 years old, because an NDA was signed, because it was in the chamber, because it was a currently member of staff or because the person bullied is so traumatised. Enough is enough”

Bercow later acknowledged the outburst but failed to apologise. Bercow is judge and jury when it comes to his own behaviour, the system is broken…

mdi-tag-outline Bullying Speaker Watch
mdi-account-multiple-outline Andrea Leadsom
mdi-timer June 4 2018 @ 16:08 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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