Tommy Robinson Jailed, Reporting Restrictions Lifted mdi-fullscreen

Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 13 months for potentially prejudicing a court case while already on a suspended sentence for contempt of court. Reporting restrictions on Robinson’s arrest have now been lifted. Robinson’s knuckle-dragging supporters were triggered yesterday into claiming there was a conspiracy of silence and an establishment stitch-up. In the real world, a judge ruled that Robinson’s actions could prejudice an ongoing case. Embarrassingly for the Breitbart crowd, reporting restrictions were only lifted following an application by the MSM…

This is what Judge Norton warned Robinson last year:

Robinson was warned he would be sent to jail if he took on contempt of court laws and did anything that could prejudice a trial ever again. He did so anyway. Tommy Robinson is an idiot.

mdi-tag-outline Crime M'Learned Friends
mdi-account-multiple-outline Tommy Robinson
mdi-timer May 29 2018 @ 16:30 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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