UKIP Members Set to Force Bolton Out If He Refuses to Go mdi-fullscreen

The latest on the UKIP saga this morning: deputy leader Margot Parker has resigned in protest at Henry Bolton’s continued leadership, telling the BBC: “It would be quicker and cleaner if he came to the conclusion he could go sooner rather than later”. Immigration spokesman John Bickley and Brexit spokesman Gerard Batten have also quit – Guido is told there are more resignations to come today. So, what next?

If it becomes impossible for Bolton to appoint replacements, he may finally decide to fall on his sword. If he decides to tough it out Corbyn coup-style he faces an Extraordinary General Meeting within 28 days, where UKIP members will be invited to attend and vote to ratify the NEC’s no confidence vote. The full membership of the party will be invited and all members present get a vote – “It will be a total sh*t show”, says a UKIP source. If the NEC decision is ratified Bolton has to go, if the members back Bolton the entire NEC has to go. Wise party hands do not expect Bolton to survive if it comes to a vote. It’s a matter of time now…

mdi-tag-outline UKIP
mdi-account-multiple-outline Henry Bolton
mdi-timer January 22 2018 @ 09:29 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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