Labour MP: Black Tory Candidate is “Token Ghetto Boy” and “Scumbag” mdi-fullscreen

Labour MP Emma Dent Coad labelled black Tory candidate Shaun Bailey a “token ghetto boy” and “free-loading scumbag” who is “not welcome” in her Kensington constituency, Guido can reveal. In a vicious 2010 blog post – which really is dripping with poison and hate –  Dent Coad labelled Bailey a “token ghetto boy” who was being “used” by the Tories and will never “fit in, however hard he tries”.

The abuse continued, with Dent Coad quoting two conspicuously anonymous “former neighbours” who she claims thought Bailey was “a free-loading scumbag” and “the most hated man in North Kensington”. Dent Coad concluded that if Bailey were to win his seat “he will no longer be welcome in North Ken”. Imagine the outrage if a Tory MP talked about a black Labour candidate in this way. Dent Coad has a new report out on inequality in Kensington today. She could start by looking at her own prejudices…

mdi-tag-outline Labour Party Loony Left
mdi-account-multiple-outline Emma Dent Coad Shaun Bailey
mdi-timer November 13 2017 @ 12:18 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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